
Showing posts from June, 2020


The very scintillating device from which you are viewing this blog can be subjected to surveillance ; in fact it already has been at least once, though you may not have even the slightest hue of clue about it. I understand that you’re busy and possibly have other interesting things to do rather than reading this, but where exactly? Of course from your dear smartphone (most commonly), however let me share a subject of contingent fascination to you; your privacy.   What if I told you that you’re being monitored for every move you make, every app you install, every website you visit, or […you may not like knowing this] every conversation you have over the net? Consider WhatsApp [Part of Facebook] as the most common facility every individual possesses, you might be having esoteric conversations with a person or a group of close ones, and naturally you do not want that data vaporizing out into somewhere you would not want it to, or to be seen by a stranger for purposes you definitely would

What it feels like

Imagine this; you have everything you ever craved about, the view of success to the definition of what it means to be so from your perspective, perhaps even from the ones around you. Technically that would mean that you have nothing to be melancholic about, as your life is pivoting the way that you had always desired it to, there’s no void for your conscience to be drowned in dysphoria, still you see no reason to feel blissful, your mood is ironically numbed in contrast to your situation; even though it was the only one you always wanted. You’re confused with what’s going on inside your head, you don’t understand anything that’s seeping into your cortex, and you’re even perplexed about your very existence.  Your significance is gravitating into an emptiness you don’t know the reason for, you can’t decide if you matter, or if you ever did. What I want you to understand is that lack of success or its attributes are not necessarily the reason behind depression, neither it is that only emo

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