
Showing posts from October, 2020

The world of fakers: (The Fountainhead)

What other’s force on us we believe , or maybe we just decide to do so to ‘fit in’, we follow other’s advice going against what we know is the thing that we should actually be doing, we get influenced rather swayed by the sweet furtive words that some person says about a thing or institution or people. Our lives have not been our own; most of us do what others manage to convince us about, what others want to see us doing, irrespective of the actual decisions that you took on your own initially, weighing pros and cons, just a word from someone whom you think has better opinions than you is enough to change the whole course of your life, or your career choice or anything that you had originally set out to do. “No man can live for another” says Howard Roark punching severe blow to altruism that is unconventionally still dictated by people who are actually ‘second handers’. Living your life on someone else’s term is what I see most of us practicing . The man who attempts to live for othe

Removing boredom while studying

  You’re not getting lazier; you just  aren’t transitioning the activities well . The solution lies in knowing how to shift from one task to another in a way that you take advantage of the  energy & stimulation deficits  from the task you were doing before. First of all understand this that to be able to perform any focused work (like studying) your mind must in a  state of low energy stimulation ;  the state when you’re able to concentrate easily as your focus isn’t drifting or continuously fluctuating. Let’s group all those activities such as social media surfing, or watching movies and series, or anything that you may get  addicted  to do  in seconds  as  easy activities ; as they don’t require much (or any) effort to do but also give you exponential  satisfaction  (and pleasure perhaps;) And let’s call those activities like studying, going through notes, doing assignments, and practicing as  focused activities ; as you need to constantly maneuver your thoughts and mental streng

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