
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Final Months Of 2018

Bishal Chettri Hello Friends ! Yes, it has been a long time that I haven't posted anything but today somehow I received that urge(and time) to express my valuable emotions(emotions are precious aren't they?). My opinions may not be your necessity in any case, however they may arouse interest as we're all humans after all. So lets begin ! Has it ever happened to you that you lose your interest in things which you previously used to enjoy ? Well, this condition hit me so hard last year that I could not revive myself back to my default state for quite a long time, and by a long time I mean a seriously long time for a student who previously only used his time either for studies or refreshment(after studies). This period in my life used to occur periodically until last November, when this stage gained so much momentum that it was making me extremely lethargic and lazy.  I literally had no enthusiasm whatsoever to study, had lost my competitiveness and was moody most

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