
Showing posts from March, 2019

Blind Pursue

All of us have this tendency to follow great personalities and try to become like them, we even follow their words and quotes blindly, accepting them as gospel truth. However, should we believe in everything they have mentioned to be true ? Should we pursue the world as they have seen it ? Should we have only one way of looking at their statement when the quote is ambiguous ? Well that requires some art of the brain and I would like to throw some light in this intriguing aspect that we take it for granted today. The first thing that I would like to draw attention to is something that 21st century has forgotten about; the thing is that we all are different, you cannot be Einstein no matter how hard you may try, neither can I become someone else even if I imitated their entire lifestyle, but why is that so ?   So following every quote of Einstein will not make me achieve things that he has achieved. Each and every person in this domain has his own way of executing things that he f

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