
Showing posts from August, 2019

These Days

It's been the 19th day since I've been ingesting 10mg of fludac; fluoxetine to be precise and I experienced some repercussions only in the 7th day and last Saturday and Sunday, these repercussions were short lived, it didn’t continue for many days on straight thankfully, I got really scared when these did occur last Sunday as well, but apart from these I feel adequately well, battling depression I feel has given me the mental strength and the emotional agility that I'm proud of, though the process of acquiring these were neither desirable nor easy at all, I don’t think that anyone would like to be 10X sad for no reason, and endure that scenario for even a second, yes, it just doesn't make sense, but guess that's what the white coats call depression. It's been 7 months since it first held me but my medication is helping me focus on the important aspects than finding comfort for the extreme darkness that I used to go through during that period. I know that

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