
Showing posts from January, 2021

Memory Boulevard

  ONE_FOUR I could hear the songs, I could view the situations, but wasn’t able to apprehend at that period of time. The songs were just a noise, couldn’t understand it was music then, and the circumstances felt like an excuse for the moments to pass. The passage of time was unheeded and all that mattered was ‘now’. It was serene, carefree and life was a second name for leisure; that was how babyhood was for us, it was instantaneous, unplanned and exciting every second, the past didn’t bother and the future wasn’t a burden. All my emotions belonged only to me, it wasn’t judged nor recorded. I felt the way I did, and no one could question that, no one could comprehend what was mine, and the way I looked at things was something curious about unknowingly, but I felt no need to dive deep, no need to understand what’s going on, was just enjoying each minute, staying joyous without any reason, being how I was naturally, free. To be frank, I was unaware of what was coming ahead (yep a serio

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