
Showing posts from June, 2021

In Process

  Through this I intend to discourse something that I saw as really predominant currently. Outcomes are tyrannizing the lives of most of the individuals, and comparisons are creating an effect that makes us believe in ourselves a lot less than we’re supposed to actually. I had a notion about this and well, I’m seeing this standardize emotions, or something more of manipulation, cause your life isn’t in your control, you’re providing access to how you feel or even what you decide to someone else; people are more concerned about what others are doing than what their activities are, even if they know what they are headed towards is absolutely right minded. Get immersed in your process, you’re on your path, doing your stuff, and in your pace, don’t judge your journey on the basis what others might say or do; concisely whatever that’s involved with “others” isn’t what “ you ” were up to in the first place. When you start seeking for validation from other people understand that you’re losi

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