
Why Has Women Empowerment Become So Necessary?

Don't you think India would be a developed country by now if it had adopted this idea much earlier? Yes, it would surely be had it not been for gender discrimination which is still prevalent in our country even in the 21st century. There is thus a need for the empowerment of girl child. We can empower girls by providing them equal opportunities in every field they like to pursue, and most importantly we need to change the mindsets of the people of our country, India so as to ensure that girls will not be dominated on any basis.  We find different people who have common mindsets about women and girls. It is due to the narrow thinking of the people, that in some areas of our country cruel practices like child marriage and sati are prevalent. From this I want to draw attention the fact that the mindsets of the people of our has not changed till now. But, how can we change the mindsets of these stubborn people? The solution is simple but it will definitely take some time ; we need to e

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