Why Has Women Empowerment Become So Necessary?

Don't you think India would be a developed country by now if it had adopted this idea much earlier? Yes, it would surely be had it not been for gender discrimination which is still prevalent in our country even in the 21st century. There is thus a need for the empowerment of girl child.
We can empower girls by providing them equal opportunities in every field they like to pursue, and most importantly we need to change the mindsets of the people of our country, India so as to ensure that girls will not be dominated on any basis.

 We find different people who have common mindsets about women and girls. It is due to the narrow thinking of the people, that in some areas of our country cruel practices like child marriage and sati are prevalent. From this I want to draw attention the fact that the mindsets of the people of our has not changed till now. But, how can we change the mindsets of these stubborn people? The solution is simple but it will definitely take some time ; we need to empower girls who are the women of future by providing them the most valuable asset, that is education.

 Our country, India is a male dominated country , where women in many areas are still discriminated and so they do not get equal opportunities like that of men, here girls have to struggle for everything , and education is one of them, whereas boys get it by birth. Thus education is a crucial factor in the life of girls. And as Nelson Mandela said that education is the most powerful weapon which can change the world, it can change the world and lives of girls. It is through education that girls can themselves change the mindsets of those people who think that women have to be constricted within the four corners of the house, and bring about a change in the society and the country eventually. In this way women can show that they can achieve the most difficult tasks which men cannot do, and that they have equal and important roles to play in the progress of our country.
A recent example that I would like to share is the Olympics held in 2016 , you must know the fact that none of the men could bring glory to our nation, the two woman were the one who at least bagged three medals for our country . From this example I am trying to convey the fact that women have very important role to play in the overall progress of our country, so education of girls is a serious issue , if we compromise on the education or empowerment of girls then we are directly compromising the development and the future of our nation which of course will have drastic negative effects.

So the future of our nation lies greatly in the hands of women , thus it is important to know that the empowerment of women becomes a necessity . Women are the jewels of our nation and we must stride to protect them no matter what happens. Women play important roles in moulding the future generations too , but for that to happen women must exercise their rights as an independent citizens of our country, India . Women should never be thought as inferior because without them life would come to a sudden halt. If a girl child is provided with education then she will grow on to become an educated women , and when she becomes a mother in future she will make sure that her children irrespective of gender receive education in whichever field the would like to pursue.
 Thus, in this way she will empower the younger generations who are the future of our nation. From this example I am trying to convey the fact that women have very important role to play , so they should not be discriminated but they should be appreciated for their contribution to the nation and should be respected for their devoted and self-less work towards our nation. Women help a lot in the improvement of our country's condition . So, girls should be given the chance to be born and contribute something to the world so that they can make some difference; a difference in the mindsets of the people, a difference in country's present situation, and a difference in lives of many other women as well as men.

Another example to which I want to draw your attention is that: a majority of the teachers in most schools are women , but do we know why so ? It is because women have inherent quality of teaching, that is, they are natural teachers so they can teach the students easily and even the students can understand with ease, and the other reason is that they are more sensitive to the problems of the students than the men teachers , so I saying that they provide knowledge simultaneously with love, care , and affection , and this is just one of the power given by God to women.
From this we come to know that women are never a liability , instead they are very important assets of our nation and we should respect their talents and abilities so that they will get the incentives to continue the great deeds which they are doing.

In every field they are making a great difference whether it be sports, information technology, science , literature and so on. Women have conquered land, air, water, space and in this way women continue to persevere for the country's progress. So in order to ensure a bright future of our nation , empowerment of girls as well as women is a must.Discrimination of women is a problem which not yet tackled but with determination and faith we can tackle it, and doing would be the greatest success of our country. Government alone cannot achieve everything we too have to contribute something for the empowerment of women so that they will be able to live independently in our independent nation , India.


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