Hurt as your sidekick

Pain; a habitué hollow of despicable anguish which we don’t want to tumble into. “Life is suffering”, as Jordan Peterson put it and we’re bound to suffer regularly in some aspects of our life at all times, misery never ends. At any given moment there’s a glitch which affects us in ways that bestows proximity to pain. Going through hurt is usual among humans, yet when it’s us who’s hit, it’s the most abrogating experience that we would do anything to disunite our souls from. I’m not an orthopaedist that I’m talking about hurt you get from broken limbs (not saying those things don’t hurt, just isn’t what we’re talking here for now), what I’m shedding light on is emotional and mental hurt, not something that you get by falling (unless you’re falling for someone :D). Physically you are too vulnerable, even the smallest insect can kill you, evolutionarily it’s not supposed to be like that when it comes to our emotional sphere and mental characteristics. 


We have hurt accumulated over series of events over the lifetime; maybe someone embarrassed you, someone sold you out, something left you in pieces, you are hurt from love or maybe due to the lack of it, or something from the past that haunts you; the reason could be anything, we’re unlike and we have our own history, some of which we share with people and a peculiar fraction of which we just do not. Most often the hurt that’s buried inside brings chaos, but there is no general convention with respect to this, hurt just hurts. The effect nevertheless leads us to the same old wickedness. Long story short; unless you were in a cocoon from the start of your life you should have experienced what hurt feels like multiple times so far. Assuming you did at some point in this week or month let’s dive through into dealing with it.  


Keanu Reeves

First things first, remember that history has always been made in adverse conditions, mostly never in ideal conditions. You do know what breeds out of adversity, it’s certainly not joy or a smiling face, it’s pain and suffering. Observe the pattern, some people used hurt to achieve something that wasn’t easily attainable, and “they” are no different than you and me. The only difference lies in pain tolerance. They held on to something they wanted, irrespective of the hurt, battles and blood; or the other way of looking at it is, not in spite of, but because of. As in Joker (2019), you’d know how the hurt that society casted off towards Fleck changed him into someone extremely dangerous. Not giving a rear view, I want you to look at what lies in front of the wheel. If you don’t change your perception in retrospect to hurt, it will definitely alter your discernment about the world and the way you’d deal with people, just understand it’s not gonna end well.  

Quote by House MD
House MD

So, the objective is to use hurt, not to live off it like a parasite. You sure can’t say no to hurt when it comes, when it comes it comes. And I’m not saying you don’t a need a moment or two to get back to your senses. You just can’t shake it off so easily, can you? And neither can you always be obsessed over something that you can’t control. Do what you can do as a human. Choose to improvise, take some time to lift yourself up; that’s important. Use it as a route to get back to yourself, to examine your thoughts and reminiscing the cause behind it while tracking your mistakes. Hurt is gonna drive you deep into yourself, a place you rarely visited, though it was the closest. You’ll see what you had missed earlier, and the things that lie ahead. Through this you’ll find a strange satisfaction filled with soreness and gratification. You will understand a lot of things during this process. 


Quote Fight club
Fight Club

You’d realize that hurt is something that gets stronger as you get weaker; inverse relationship. Choose to fight it by using it as your companion, take it with you only to make it feeble. Do not give it the unrivaled priority it shouldn’t deserve. Get busy with your stuff, terrific stuff. If you don’t have anything to do, hurt is gonna be the only thing on the plate, by all means it won’t be delicious. Have things distributed throughout the day to nullify the suffering. Every single time you’re dedicating your soul onto activities (happy or progressive) you’re shredding hurt to pieces. At the same time make hurt the reason you put yourself into the chair when you don’t feel like. You’re gradually eliminating it while simultaneously using it. The kind of events that you get involved in doesn’t always have to be productive all the time: happiness, health and peace of mind is something you should never take for granted, strive to keep it in your list of priorities and do things which keep that state intact.  



Once you do this often for a sensible amount of time, the hurt you currently have will not hurt anymore, it will be an add-on to the incentives that push you towards your goals in life; the fuel that sparks your fire more, the companion that keeps you out of dark, and the big brother you never had (no offense if you do). 


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