Non-random thoughts:


The following are some of the abstractions I've drawn over the last months. Though this is personal but I hope you find something synonymous.

Okay let’s begin.

Trust is like a plant (or a baby); something that takes a lot of time and effort to materialize. As a matter of fact, it is also something which can be shattered within a fraction of a second by barbarous actions. So always be conscientious about whom you’re providing your trust over. If you’re that kind of person who takes promises really seriously then remember this fact that there are tons of shit heads who take promises like a fairy tale, and you’re bound to get disappointed by them at some point of time. Exchange promises with someone who values them, not someone who treats it like a casual cup of tea you get round the street. If someone wants to be part of your life make sure they agree to your terms; terms that will soothe your mental health and not devastate it beyond restitution.

Be it friends or someone you’re emotionally tied to; you deserve the same amount of care and love (and security) that you provide them. You’re not their parents that you have to stay around to fix their behavior over and over again, just be yourself, and don’t bother about those who don’t bother about your peace; as simple as that. Eliminate toxicity from your life; the longer you allow that, the deeper it’s gonna get. So, you decide if you want to continue playing banjo in that niche to entertain someone’s useless drama.

I’ll be brutally honest here, but if you think you can’t live without someone then you should better kill yourself; the idea that your life equates to someone’s presence isn’t worthy at all. I’m not saying that separation will not hurt. Yes, it will (quite a lot). Just understand that not everyone is like you, if they were, you wouldn’t be in that crossroad anyway. Accept their nature as they are and not as something you see of them. Do not fight with the fantasy of that person which you created but they didn’t live up to; obviously they can’t as that wasn’t real, and you should always focus on abandoning false premises. Stay true at least to yourself.

Judge people by their actions and not their words. I learnt this the hard way. You should never believe anyone completely; even if they state and sign a document, there’s a huge sperm-filled possibility of them not acting that way. Observe what you can see; their actions. Anyone can say anything to please someone or to fix a situation. Only a few actually meant it. Your brain won’t lie to you. What’s clearly seen is apparent; you shouldn’t be dubious about it.

You cannot entirely trust anyone except yourself and your parents. I didn’t anticipate myself to reach to this conclusion but yes; this is how the world functions and I am no exception. The person you trust the most can become the one who uses that fact precariously to strangle you (sometimes to death). What I’d suggest you is that, you should just observe, don’t get too attached to any person or idea. Cause when it proves to show the side you weren’t sticking by to see; it’s gonna hurt as fuck. I’d also advise you to invest more in yourself and your family. Just do more of things that will later in life not bring such moments like “I really shouldn’t have done that!”. You know it better than anyone.  

Infidelity hurts (a lot). Betrayal is something that never comes from a stranger; thus, it is this attribute which stabs the hell out of you. You can forgive people for all the wrongs they have done to you; for all the pain they have inflicted upon you, doing so will bring you to a level of God in one aspect; forgiveness. However, you should never forget a deleterious past; this makes sure you stay cautious. Once they have done that, they shouldn’t get the same priority which you used to give them, until they earn it back.

Recognize your worth. Don’t lower it for any person or an object. It takes a significant amount of time to get that sense of diffidence in yourself, don’t shatter that for any being who can’t level up to you. And I’m not talking about leveling up in terms of educational qualifications; we still have more uneducated people having a degree today, a person who commits a sin even after knowing about it isn’t at all in my definition “educated”. The takeaway are the principles that a person has within themselves. You see, things like commitment come from within, you don’t have to learn it, and you can’t teach them. If you have to remind someone to do something that should actually come naturally, then it loses its essence.

Finally, don’t take life too seriously. Do stuff that makes you happy as well. Yes, you have your ambitious goals and loads of responsibilities to take care of. But don’t lose yourself over these quite so much that you forget being human. You don’t wanna take pills like me for ensuring happiness; or at least a level of neutrality (I’m trying to gradually abandon it).

You can definitely do what makes you a happy; but ensure that your happiness does not kill someone else’s in the process.

So yeah, this is all for now; until next time ~ Bis



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