
Showing posts from April, 2018

My Board Exams(2018)

By Bishal Chettri My board exams kicked off with Foundation Of IT on 8th of March. The previous day I was really excited yet a bit nervous as it was my first board exam of my life technically. And I stayed awake till 11pm revising the chapters again and again, I really wanted my boards to start with optimism and that would be possible only if I did my first exam really well. So the next day I woke up early at 5am and did not revise until I reached the exam center which I had never visited before ; well many students from my school were already present there and I went a little ahead and checked my room against my roll number, I happened to be at the hall , I was really happy as hall has that atmosphere of board exams unlike a classroom. So I reached the hall by 9:55am with the help of my  friend and searched my desk and sat silently. A few seconds later the answer sheet was distributed to us. Never had I seen such cool answer sheets in my life, with CBSE 2018 punched on every pag

How I prepared for my board exams

Well, I had become very lazy by the end of November. I had my pre-boards in November and when they got over I was exhausted so much that I took a break of 1 week ! Then December came bringing much more cold than expected, and I had to study for 3 months from that time at home( December, January, February). I had confidence in my ability to handle the exam and the pressure along with it myself so I did not join any coaching center nor did I go for any tuitions.  I had ordered four booklets of sample papers however, and I thought of using them only after completing  the syllabus again by January.  So after 1 week of complete rest and isolation from studies I set off for the preparation of a very important landmark of my life, " The Board Exams". I went to meet my teachers on my birthday (1st December) in the name of giving sweets, I met them and received the things that I would really require during the coming months, that is, blessings , advice and encourageme

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