
Showing posts from August, 2018

Summary of A beautiful Mind

Bishal Chettri   Although the movie by the same name has taken all the attention of people but, you should know that about 90% of the movie scenes were based on the book itself. So, if you have about some minutes to spare then I have here the synopsis of the book "A beautiful mind" from my point of view, so that you will get the essence of the book in relatively shorter time. This book is about the life of an extraordinary genius, John Forbes Nash, well written by Sylvia Nasar, his life is so inspiring and touching, and his experiences and his intellect both are absolutely remarkable. So friends, I would not like to bore you with facts but there are some facts which are really important so I have included them anyway along with appreciating the philosophical aspects of  the book which you possibly would find appealing.  These are the things that "A Beautiful Mind" taught me, and I believe that these should help you too. I read that Nash was a b

Understanding Class 11

Well friends, it has now been about 2.5 or 3 months approximately in class 11 Science and I  think that now I am capable of explaining the gap and the change in ideologies in Class 11 of various students (technically they are all my friends). So here it goes... In India a general amount of students want to become a doctor or an engineer ( very general scenario), but I realized the seriousness of this situation only in this year. I felt that I realized this so suddenly that now my friends who used to talk so silly and unreasonable until last year (till grade 10) are now talking about cracking entrance exams and only entrance exams most of the time! :) I know that it is a great change and a change for better but Class 11 really changes people in the most astonishing way possible. There are many who are so sure that their friends will not crack the entrances that they are betting their parent's shops and some are willing to be their servant for their entire life! Well I gues

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