
Showing posts from November, 2019

To my classmates

Today was the last assembly that we conducted as the batch of class XII Science 2019, though time was at it's own pace but today I feel that it somehow   was biased, maybe it passed quickly for us, it just didn't feel enough, I hadn't even talked to some of my classmates (yes some) , and today it's over, the life that we had been hearing about from our seniors, the life in which each one of us were in our cozy comfort zone suddenly has come to an end. Now the life actually begins, and what is depressing is that our friends will not be there with us to handle the choices or the problems that we'll encounter on the way to our ambitions. Look at the size of his shades *-*   Yes as cliché as it may sound like, memories are the things that we really take along the way, you see when I was in class 10, I didn’t do much and I have no memory except studies (which does not qualify as a memory; they were concepts) so this year I feared of committing the same

Attention Controls You ?

We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded by magnitudes of information and raw data, and it becomes difficult to manage the idea of devoting tangible attention to every single activity, however we are in the habit of devoting our precious focus to things that actually don't matter, things that have no real life implications, things that are genuinely slowing us down and our progress. We live in the so called 21st century where social media usage is at its peak and do govern most of our time and how we use it as well, and we lag around in the important things and fail to accomplish the results that we promise ourselves to achieve. So what exactly is the thing that I'm trying to convey ? Well the simple obvious answer is attention, we do not know where to divert our attention, attention is passed on to useless gossips, or to celebrities, or to the virtual world of social media and gaming more commonly. We are not able to become what we are meant to be and we migh

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