Attention Controls You ?

We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded by magnitudes of information and raw data, and it becomes difficult to manage the idea of devoting tangible attention to every single activity, however we are in the habit of devoting our precious focus to things that actually don't matter, things that have no real life implications, things that are genuinely slowing us down and our progress. We live in the so called 21st century where social media usage is at its peak and do govern most of our time and how we use it as well, and we lag around in the important things and fail to accomplish the results that we promise ourselves to achieve. So what exactly is the thing that I'm trying to convey ? Well the simple obvious answer is attention, we do not know where to divert our attention, attention is passed on to useless gossips, or to celebrities, or to the virtual world of social media and gaming more commonly. We are not able to become what we are meant to be and we might get stuck in an overlapping scenario all over again, coming back to square one. It is due to the misguided attention that our priorities take a back seat and our life becomes a confusion even to us. The constant emails that may take away your mind, or the group chat conversations that you find yourself indulging in, or even the simple act of checking your Whatsapp again and again distances you from the real person you were meant to be, well correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not asserting this only on the basis of observations, I have been that person myself who used to be dopamine consistent freak in terms of checking messages or using Facebook, just scrolling down the feed, which I now realize was an utter waste of time. Yet those mistakes were necessary to make this point today, that your attention does control you, you will become the person about which you give most of your attention to; if you're giving your attention to let's say programming then you become a good coder, if you're doing the same for medical studies then you become a good doctor, but let's say if you're giving your undivided attention to gossiping or maybe playing games or any activity that exceeds the limit of normality then you do not get any real productivity, you get stuck in the same situation as the same person and there's no progress in that life, is there ? Maybe you wanted to learn an instrument, did you do that ? Maybe you wanted to clear the back logs of  your academics, did you do that ? Maybe you wanted to build up your confidence, or maybe you wanted to give more time to improving yourself as a person, did you even consider that? I'm not stressing that you're the only person in that situation, we all have been there and I'm no exception to it but what may hurt your self esteem is that you're not even trying to build up the person hidden inside you, that you're giving up on yourself (though you may not feel that necessarily at this moment) , that you're giving the precious amenity for your growth, you're lacking the attention that you need to develop, tell me if you don't want to be a much better person that you were last month, you just need one resource , you don't require any gadget neither do you need a guide, you just need yourself more, transition your attention to yourself more, then you will automatically start doing things that are important, so it's time to focus on yourself to eventually focus on the significant things.


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