
Showing posts from May, 2020

Be practical less positive

Practicality equals unpretentiousness. The way you are is the way it is. You have your goals just like millions of others, obviously not the same exactly in any manner but the point is that you have, and what most of us do is we associate these ambitions as the sole reason of our existence. You fight, you suffer, and you sacrifice certain things labeling them as distractions though they give you pleasure; frankly this is what you’re taught and what you’ve seen with your eyes all way along. People struggling in the beginning practically end up making others struggle for them eventually, those fighting now don’t have to fight more in the days nearing them, and those giving up certain tendencies do not ever have to worry about that once the restrain is finally slacked down by their ‘success’. The amount of infliction that we cause in ourselves cannot be understood until the same is given to you by another human being. But for the sake of what? Well it has always been about rea

“Be Positive” cliché or deception?

An expression so conventional, so ordinary, and so uncool because of the repetitive usage that the very essence hidden beneath it is misunderstood; whether it is about the mistakes we make or the results we don’t achieve, this is the simple confirmation that you’re going to receive from your friends (good ones) or your family members during times you might be desperately questioning yourself or the events that led you to the landmark you find yourself stuck in right now. It’s not only about what we receive externally, this is statistically the easiest rationalization that we provide our conscience when we’re not sure about what’s going to happen or what exactly we are going to accomplish. In most of the scenarios it’s confined to the doubt in which we find ourselves reminding us about that statement over and over again (just like the famous “all is well” in 3 idiots). Staying optimistic during times of happiness is like a ball descending under the sway of gravity,

Dementia’s understatement

Having an emotional complexity is rudimentary in today’s world where we have heart confused with attraction, caring confused with seduction, love confused with lust, and touch confused with sex. The place is baffling, mostly all are weird in their own stereotypical ways; weirdness is a fashion, with some pretending to be someone whom they are not, putting up a show or breaking promises; in short it’s a lifestyle for us, inescapable yet insufficient to get the attention that most find themselves craving about. Personality remodeling due to reasons related to your psychiatric dysfunction is beyond the reach of your whim however if you’re revamping your attitude to prove something to someone then you’d be gladly categorized under induced dementia. Forgetting stuff (humanly stuff not reactions or formulae friend;), denying commitments, hiding things or acting unaware are absolutely legal! Yeah it’s absolutely fine to be a ‘human being’, but when it’s repeated over and over agai

Getting Stuck

You’ve been grinding yourself for quite a lot; rather desperately but after all the pain and sweat (and tears maybe) the single consequence you yield is a dead end. It’s not a matter of objection but the obvious testimony that all of us during our school years (it doesn’t end there however) have experienced. It’s a frustrating event that teaches you a lot of things, not just the bookish concepts which knocked you out there in the first place. Now we’ll dive into the past of class 12(yes not drifting away from the topic); mathematics class, we had relatively discounted majority, the students weren’t like the typical seekers, most of them weren’t bringing their copies or books, drawing out anime characters (or unhealthy biological diagrams) or even having an active conversation about stuff that shouldn’t had been discussed in math class (or any other class!), due to such actions our teacher used to send such unkind human beings out of the class which reduced our class count

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