“Be Positive” cliché or deception?

An expression so conventional, so ordinary, and so uncool because of the repetitive usage that the very essence hidden beneath it is misunderstood; whether it is about the mistakes we make or the results we don’t achieve, this is the simple confirmation that you’re going to receive from your friends (good ones) or your family members during times you might be desperately questioning yourself or the events that led you to the landmark you find yourself stuck in right now. It’s not only about what we receive externally, this is statistically the easiest rationalization that we provide our conscience when we’re not sure about what’s going to happen or what exactly we are going to accomplish. In most of the scenarios it’s confined to the doubt in which we find ourselves reminding us about that statement over and over again (just like the famous “all is well” in 3 idiots). Staying optimistic during times of happiness is like a ball descending under the sway of gravity, as it’s phenomenally natural, however it’s coincidental to do the same when we’re going through an unilluminated sequence of adversities knocking us with the hardest blow in the most susceptible areas. Even if you’re firm about the philosophy of optimism you believe in, will it guarantee your escape from the wrangling tentacles you’re being dragged by? Of course it’s important to keep in mind that our objective should not be to ‘escape’, because you just can’t, it’s simply a matter of time delay before it hits you again, but what you can ensure is how you ‘face’ it, and that my friend necessarily changes everything. We’ feel’ the way we ‘see’ this world and what we ‘feel’ complementarily ‘makes’ our ‘world’, you do see how beautifully the pieces line up, every small consideration yields changes that are huge enough to cause massive aftermath of consequences. Staying positive won’t make things right or the way you want them to be, technically it won’t change anything, things remain the same, the adversities do not fade away, the bad guys won’t vaporize, your life will not suddenly be filled with rainbows, everything remains the same; the only thing that will fundamentally change is ‘your’ ability to ‘endure’ them, to ‘interpret’ it the way you’re comfortable about, to ‘try’ without numbing your senses, in an emotional state that you’re relaxed about, that you’re happy about even when the situations are dreary or unfavorable, you take it as your obligation to make it one, the one which you desire or the one that makes you content.

 It’s now clear that being positive is just about deceiving yourself until you yourself make the move, your ability is not just determined by what you achieve, but under what circumstance you’re achieving it, and if it is strenuous then your mind must be psyched up for all that’s coming your way, optimism is what ‘prepares’ you for those scenarios though it seriously does not change any scenario, it’s all about your mental-emotional predicament, as when it’s right, the events seem right even if they’re not, provided you put effort along with the decorous contemplation you’re endowing in your mind. Deceiving the one under whose jurisdiction you’re in (your brain I mean) is not so straightforward, however when you’re able to, you gain dominance over ‘perceiving’ anything around yourself no matter how grueling it might possibly be. So you see deception is what keeps us going even when our ‘mind’ says we can’t. Being positive equals temporary deception, but there’s nothing wrong about it when it’s for right, is there?


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