Be practical less positive

Practicality equals unpretentiousness. The way you are is the way it is. You have your goals just like millions of others, obviously not the same exactly in any manner but the point is that you have, and what most of us do is we associate these ambitions as the sole reason of our existence. You fight, you suffer, and you sacrifice certain things labeling them as distractions though they give you pleasure; frankly this is what you’re taught and what you’ve seen with your eyes all way along. People struggling in the beginning practically end up making others struggle for them eventually, those fighting now don’t have to fight more in the days nearing them, and those giving up certain tendencies do not ever have to worry about that once the restrain is finally slacked down by their ‘success’.

The amount of infliction that we cause in ourselves cannot be understood until the same is given to you by another human being. But for the sake of what? Well it has always been about reaching where we wanna see ourselves pretty soon, the climb is costly yet we see no other way when we’re hooked; if you want something, you act like your life depended on it and you’re willing to adopt measures good and bad to reckon it true. So you choose to be positive instead of being practical, instigating a coup to your logical interpretations from your optimistic arrogance is what looks best and what feels good doesn’t it? What you don’t get is that all of this is your flirtation to your logical self, you choose to stay numbed by apprehensive positivity dwindling you over and over like the falling leaves wrestling with air. You ensure greater good when you’re more of a realist than an optimist, remember optimism has never produced anything except motivation (don’t be disappointed it’s not the movie dialogues about seeing the silver lining and stuff, it’s the reality). I’m not saying that you stop ‘believing’ or that you stop seeing dreams and making plans, without these things you’re never gonna find the fuel of influence pushing you to achieve exceptional results, what I want you to apprehend is staying hooked on it will make you miserable, maybe not now, perhaps not even tomorrow but murphy’s law overrules finally; the thing that ‘can’ happen ‘will’ happen.

 You’re a logical being, so you experience things on the basis of your contemplations, your life is the accumulation of your ideologies and only ‘your’ perspective. Being practical is about listening to the call of the hour more than what your conscience has to say, as when you look from the scratch the environment shaped anything that you have been and the person you are today, maybe you were inspired by your role models that you decided that if you had to leave an impact you would do so only like them, anything else would not lead to fulfillment though anything would actually; at the end it’s happiness that matters right? The goals, the education, the struggle or even the sacrifices alongside the commitments all lead to the one thing that any individual ever born realizes; happiness. Staying positive will keep you hooked only to one path that you’ll necessarily have to journey through (remember that the routes are different but the eventual desirable consequential aspiration for all of us is the same), however staying ‘more’ practical (alongside staying positive too) will ensure you do not shift from your ultimate objective (can’t deny this can you? It’s happiness) moreover by staying resilient you guarantee your compatibility with any route that life has to offer.


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