Dementia’s understatement

Having an emotional complexity is rudimentary in today’s world where we have heart confused with attraction, caring confused with seduction, love confused with lust, and touch confused with sex. The place is baffling, mostly all are weird in their own stereotypical ways; weirdness is a fashion, with some pretending to be someone whom they are not, putting up a show or breaking promises; in short it’s a lifestyle for us, inescapable yet insufficient to get the attention that most find themselves craving about. Personality remodeling due to reasons related to your psychiatric dysfunction is beyond the reach of your whim however if you’re revamping your attitude to prove something to someone then you’d be gladly categorized under induced dementia. Forgetting stuff (humanly stuff not reactions or formulae friend;), denying commitments, hiding things or acting unaware are absolutely legal! Yeah it’s absolutely fine to be a ‘human being’, but when it’s repeated over and over again to curtail things to your desired manifestation they may prove to be lethal; maybe not for you but for the person with whom you’re messing around. 

You see it’s not your fault, we’re programmed for the vices, we’re made for this stuff, deception is our congenital addiction (it’s how our prehistoric ancestors survived), the more you do it, the better you get, and the more you wanna do it, not to mention that it increases your dopamine busters so much that soon it won’t matter if the ‘other’ person is nostalgically affected by it instantly or over the course of time. Remember there’s a price for everything, you may succeed in concealing your true identity today, that’s fine, all of us have masks (professional, public and private), and there are only some whom you’ll authorize the access to all three (some have got more than three; ‘natural’ for the blood suckers), but I see no harm in that, because people are people anyways and you can’t give all of yourself to everybody, considering the fact itself that they mutate incessantly depending upon places and people. C’mon we all have been there, we all have experienced it, someone said a thing (gloriously), but their actions weren’t otherwise aligned to what they were spitting out, they try to criticize us to smudge their insensitivity, they blame us back when they’re caught doing stuff they rightfully wronged us about. It’s a strange place my dear friend, with bizarreness in every nook, people being the cause (regulatory has been & will be). Above all unfortunately people today are ‘mostly’ fake (explicitly). And I believe this is where induced dementia comes in, doing stuff for approval more than doing what’s right, being selfish is considered self-care (with all the brainwashing quotes you find floating in your social media feed), Fakeness is what equals these symptoms (like dementia). Still water runs deep; the soul whom you “see” or one the one who “appears” kind or innocent may not be actually, maybe it’s just a show, people fake around never for good or bad my dear friend, people fake around for “themselves”, keep this eternalizing truth no matter what; it’s always about “them”, and yes, they will deny it obviously (you can’t expect a serial killer to confess their sins can you?) but it’s said the best revenge is to not be like your enemy, so don’t alter your values just because someone whom you had high hopes of (or someone whom you trusted) wrangled with your tender sentiments, it’s their karma, what you must keep in mind is to stay firm with your values, we can’t deteriorate “our” values for someone displaying “theirs”, it’s immoral of them not of us. Someone else’s forgetfulness doesn’t affect your memory does it? Similarly their karma is “theirs”, don’t worry over it, but it’s your responsibility to keep yours intact, and to keep it “yours” always. Your values make you, not them, and their values impregnates their identity not yours.


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