Why Is Adult Education So Important ?

Our education does not start directly from our school, but from our home and we should know remember that parents are our first teachers who taught us a lot of important things without which we could not go to school. Only after then comes formal school education, which every parent cannot afford due to some major problems like poverty and economic instability.

 These parents are able to give first education to their children as the children get it from their parents at home, but when it comes to formal education, the poor parents cannot do that for their children. And this becomes the major reason behind illiteracy among the children, who grow up to become illiterates/uneducated adults. Thus the number of uneducated adults increase. But we are doing nothing about it, we let things be the way they are, and do not even try to change it. Children are the future of the nation, these children should grow up to become responsible educated adults, and not uneducated dependent adults. Thus we do need to realize the 'importance of adult education.'

Adult come under the working class and thus are responsible for the functioning of their family and also the country. But if the working class itself is uneducated, the condition of the family and also the country will never improve, and this is also a major reason why India comes under the category of under developed country. Education gives us the power to think and the power to be free and independent. Educated adults do not have to depend on anyone to do their work, they know how to react or what to do according to the circumstances. They plan before doing any work and most important of all, they cannot be cheated anywhere, unlike uneducated adults who are constantly exploited. An educated person is aware of his/her rights and can benefit from it under adverse situations they may encounter in their life. Thus this tells us that only educated adults might be the responsible citizens of our country, but the number of uneducated adults is more, thus quantity overcomes quality(like in elections)and the result is the present condition of our country, India. 

But it is not that late, we can still bring some change, we can show the direction to the uneducated adults, but to walk on that path or not , is their decision.
Some ways to implement 'adult education' among the uneducated adults are-
1. We should spread awareness about the importance of adult education among each and everyone.
2.We should inform the uneducated adults about the bebefits of being educated.
3.We should tell them about the bad consequences of being uneducated.
4.We should organise teaching classes for them on a weekly basis.
5.We should seek help from educated adults to implement it successfully.
6.We can also take the help of NGOs for this purpose.
Thus, adult education and child education are very important as Nelson Mandela said,"Education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world."


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