This is the first part for your spiritual education and I will continue to write the subsequent parts in future. And
GST stands for God's Soul Transformation.

This part will inform you about your soul which is actually the "real" you but you may have ignored it or not known about it. You will find it amazing to know about the real you.

Things You Do Not Know About Soul.


Our body is made up of panchatawa(air, water, earth, fire and space) but we have just rented this body from earth for a certain amount of time, after this time is completed we all need to give it back, so the main question is who rented this body? The answer is "soul", but we are never aware of this fact, are we ?

In this present world all of us are body conscious, we struggle for our bodies, we might commit sins for our bodies, we live only for our bodies, we have become more selfish in this world today to be precise.


Only a number of people in this world are soul conscious, when I say soul conscious I mean that those people consider themselves as souls and not bodies. What do you picture when I say soul ? Shadow like structures as shown in movies ? But souls are very interesting, you might be amazed to know that everyone in this world are only souls, the world that we see and feel is a drama which will soon get over, we are just being tested by someone above us, so as to filter only some selected souls(divine souls) for upcoming golden age(Satyug).

How does a soul look like? Actually soul is a point of light(Jyoti bindu) we are all points of light, it is present between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, it is smaller than an atom, that is why it cannot be seen.
The Location Of Soul

The Supreme soul(parmatma) is above all the souls including the deities we worship. It is because all deities are also souls and their father is the Supreme Soul.

The form of Supreme Soul(Paramatma) can be compared to a divine point of light. The Supreme Soul is called 'Shiv' because the Supreme Soul is the kalyankari; which means the Supreme Soul is responsible for the welfare . The Supreme Soul removes grief and gives happiness. The Supreme Soul is formless but we can compare the Supreme Soul to a divine point of light, like a bright star.

We always need to establish connection with the Supreme Soul; while working, while travelling, and other instances not only in our difficult times but mainly during our good times. Only then we will not face difficult times.

Our soul is made up of three components:
1.Mind(Man) which is the faculty of consciousness and thought.
2.Intellect(budhi) which is the faculty of reasoning and understanding.
3.Resolves(Sanskar)which is the property of enculturation
Without these three components we would be a skeleton of bones and flesh, it is due to these qualities we are a human being(jivaatma).

Our soul has 7 important qualities:
1. Knowledge
2. Love
3. Happiness
4. Power
5. Bliss
6. Peace
7. Purity
We all have these 7 qualities within us naturally, that is why we want to live peacefully, we all want love, we all want power, we all want happiness and it goes on. 
Actually our original qualities are only those mentioned above, but some people acquire negative qualities from this world and so are called 'bad'.
So always be soul conscious, try to control or limit your desires because it is just temporary and will be gone when you(real one) leave your rented body.
And I request you all to maintain your 7 original qualities, if you maintain that then you will never have to suffer or face difficult times.


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