GST(2) Its not your first time in this world. Do you know why?

  We all feel that we have got only one and only one life and that we should enjoy it, but is it really true? Actually, we have been in this world for a really long time, and we will continue to do so forever. As I have mentioned earlier that we are all souls and so we can never be destroyed. We will continue to exist even after the destruction of this world. So we just change our bodies and cycle the world over and over again until a cycle of 5000 years is over. So you see we will exist till eternity but the only difference is that some selected souls will get to stay in heaven or to be clear the golden age.
In this article I will briefly explain you about different ages.

 One cycle of the world is of 5000 years. Each age has 1250 years each, they are:

 1. Satyug(Golden age) : Only 9,16,108 selected souls get to go into Satyug . Out of this 108 are the purest or have close relation with Laxmi and Narayan. In Satyug all the selected souls are deities and everyone is equal, unlike us there every soul will be a deity(like Ram and Laxmi) and there will be no violence but only peace and happiness in that age, deer and lion will be able to drink water from the same pond, that is, no violence nor sufferings will be present in the golden age.
At the end of this age the number of souls will increase to two crore as the entry of souls into this world from Paramdham is not limited or blocked.

 2. Tretayug(Silver age) : After 1250 years of Satyug comes the Silver age where the power of the soul starts to decrease gradually and it slowly forgets it's seven qualities that I have mentioned in my previous article.

 3. Dwaparyug(Bronze age) : In this age 1250 years after the Tretayug, souls present in bodies start worshipping other souls(probably themselves) as they completely forget the fact that they are souls and even forget that they were deities in the golden age.

 4. Kalayug(Iron age) : This is the age where violence will be at its peak. In this age, brothers kill each other, committing sins will be a normal, large number of natural calamities will take place killing a large amount of people. Shankar will start destruction at the end of this age. Destruction of the world can take place through civil war, nuclear war, or due to various natural calamities. This age will again bring back the souls to Paramdham and 9,16,108 selected pure souls will go again to the Satyug. Souls will be selected by the Supreme soul mainly on the basis of their karma(acts) done during their travel of 5000 years, and other factors such as purity, love, etc.
 So we all need to become soul conscious and work well for the good of all, and prepare ourselves to become deities in the golden age, cause you do not know, you could have been the selected soul in the last Satyug. And remember that you should make connection with the Supreme soul all the time, not only at the time of difficulty, only then you can see miracles happening.


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