
Showing posts from April, 2020

Time's what time isn't

Reckoning! Devastating! Fascinating! Or did it really happen? These might be the unreasonably reasonable contemplations/expressions among us all, when we promptly discern that we had brushing our teeth just few hours ago but it’s actually a complete day. Gosh! We’re now in a scenario where even brushing feels like an ambiguous déjà vu!  Monotony breeds velocity; this is what we’ve learnt in these crucial time of quarantining, the days don’t feel like days, they rather feel like hours (which it is) but I hope you can understand the nonsense that I’m blabbering about does bring some tenor, the days feel shortened and hence pass quickly, though the hours have not altered in any way, the amount of time that we are fortunate to have for activities have surely increased, this has resulted in the so called ‘stretching of time’ which ironically ‘feels’ like ‘contraction of time’ doesn’t it? What I’ve perceived so far is that time accelerates under two circumstances:


Here we go, a background would supposedly make things bona fide for you to go on; the reader may or may not have experienced this condition but sincerely speaking I really would not like anyone to even get the tinge of it, so I’ve been under depressive medication for 14 months complete (+18 days till now) and I still am, it’s really not something that you can expect to prop of gradually I guess as in my case it just came of nowhere (like an unforeseen military coup), I was happy back then naturally (like most of us are) and was pretty normal in terms of my emotional predicament, not that I never got ‘sad’ in my life, or that I never cried before, it’s just that the darkness didn’t stretch for so long as it does now, without the daily dose of fluoxetine life gets drowned in despondency. So imagine this scenario, you’re in a program where it’s already decided (and known) that you are to receive an award for the hard sweat you had put into a project, and you’re anticipating all you


The global scenario right now makes it mandatory for us to stay at home, while this might have been the aspirational covet of many (like the usual weekends); this long term seclusion has definitely altered the way we interpret holidays. Maybe you’re done with the movies, maybe the games don’t seem that fascinating, maybe you’ve changed your mind about ‘free’ time, but may I remind you that it’s us who’s entirely responsible for the boredom we’re augmenting; the more we try to ‘deal’ with it, the less our focus drifts into stillness, in short you’re bound to get more bored when you undertake activities associated with the so called “passing the time”, your resoluteness becomes debilitated, your will suffers a lot. Imagine you’re watching your favorite sitcom, and after this activity it will be a nearly impossible task to shift to something productive say, like doing your assignments, yes you were successful in passing your time and delaying the boredom until the periphery of the


Today’s randomness, here we are; in the middle of this universal crisis, crying, complaining, questioning (God yes), and perhaps most of us are dumbstruck as to why this would happen all of a sudden, only to the current generation of ‘social’ beings, how a goddamn microorganism would confine our lives to the boundaries of our rooms, and why the medical advancement about which all of us used to boast so much about unable to derive an elixir for this virulent death eater. Maybe ten years from now, the students will be reading about this much like we read about the great plague, without much going in their empty empathetic self, as ‘it doesn’t matter until it happens to us’, so it’s us who know the meaning of this and it’s us who’ll perhaps ring the bells for them, to try to make them feel what we’re feeling right now (wasted effort of course, c’mon you never truly listened to your history teacher did you?). It’s only when you encounter your contemporaries are you able to ‘connect’

Imaginary Sickness

Your subconscious processes millions of bits of data that may or may not actually be necessary, what creates a problem is the apprehensiveness those thoughts produce, the lurking understatement beneath your beliefs and belief-system are your thoughts primarily, the thoughts that lead to your character, the thoughts that lead to you, and what this article focuses on are the results these thoughts manifest in your body. So in response to what’s going on in the world, we see that it’s a scenario where our fear of getting infected affects us more than the disease itself, accounting to the nature of this virus, this fear seems completely reasonable, this neurosis is a precautionary measure to avoid the dissemination, however letting this dread grapple you before the actual condition seems idiotic; you seriously do not want to die out of something that your mind made, do you? And this psychological condition is not limited to the pandemic flow we’re experiencing right now, it’s an

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