Imaginary Sickness

Your subconscious processes millions of bits of data that may or may not actually be necessary, what creates a problem is the apprehensiveness those thoughts produce, the lurking understatement beneath your beliefs and belief-system are your thoughts primarily, the thoughts that lead to your character, the thoughts that lead to you, and what this article focuses on are the results these thoughts manifest in your body. So in response to what’s going on in the world, we see that it’s a scenario where our fear of getting infected affects us more than the disease itself, accounting to the nature of this virus, this fear seems completely reasonable, this neurosis is a precautionary measure to avoid the dissemination, however letting this dread grapple you before the actual condition seems idiotic; you seriously do not want to die out of something that your mind made, do you?

And this psychological condition is not limited to the pandemic flow we’re experiencing right now, it’s anything that generates fear in you; let me give you an example: let’s say one fine morning you woke up to find yourself succumbed to chest pain, to make the matters worst the pain is centered around the left side, so the immediate response is,” Damn! Maybe I’m dying of heart attack! Oh! This is the end!” You can relate with any other symptom you misinterpreted for a dangerous malady, when it happens to us, we truly understand the dread which that not so serious (yet fearful) symptom. We take into account just everything! Fortunately the doctor informs you that it was insignificant and you sigh in relief about the ‘life-threatening’ experience you had. But what if you didn’t get medical attention, what if you didn’t have internet connection to google your symptoms, what if you were tangled with that strangely odd incertitude that you’ve assumed to be a grave condition, in simple terms, what if you’d thought you were dying, but you had no source to clear the mess? In most cases science says you would really get prone to that condition though you didn’t actually have it, so the chest pain would seriously ‘turn into’ heart attack, sadness would turn into depression, headache would turn into migraine, and simple cold would yield the same output as that of covid-19; death.

 Yes, it’s completely fine to be afraid, to be cautious, but you must never let it get inside your head; don’t let it dominate your health. What I’m asking you is to keep your calm in stillness, in cases such as the one we’re exposed to now, your subconscious becomes your enemy, you see your mind is really quick on the negative stuff more than the positive ones, and it’s not something to be ashamed of or be denied! Our ancestors could survive only if they could spot the negative elements (a lion sprawling towards them for example), so even though we’ve evolved through time to have a different physical appearance, our mind has not much, it’s due to this that we remember our tragic experiences more often, more easily, our mind lays more emphasis on focusing on what’s wrong with people, what’s wrong in our nation, what’s wrong with us, and so on. Our mind is programmed in a way that dissentient negativity appears so big and important, while nobility feels porous. What I’m asking from you is to make a conscious effort to not get wrangled by your imagination that you get afflicted to something that don’t really have, get your mind involved, don’t let it stay aloof, watch movies (or anything) for god’s sake but keep your mind occupied, only then will the subconscious shift its focus from the negative elements, I’m not saying you have to divert it forcibly to optimism, what my point is that don’t let it drift towards the dark, don’t allow overthinking; it magnifies ordinary to sophisticated, and gives you the ‘effects’ of the disease you ‘assume’ you have, which ironically you never did!


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