Time's what time isn't

Reckoning! Devastating! Fascinating! Or did it really happen? These might be the unreasonably reasonable contemplations/expressions among us all, when we promptly discern that we had brushing our teeth just few hours ago but it’s actually a complete day. Gosh! We’re now in a scenario where even brushing feels like an ambiguous déjà vu! 

Monotony breeds velocity; this is what we’ve learnt in these crucial time of quarantining, the days don’t feel like days, they rather feel like hours (which it is) but I hope you can understand the nonsense that I’m blabbering about does bring some tenor, the days feel shortened and hence pass quickly, though the hours have not altered in any way, the amount of time that we are fortunate to have for activities have surely increased, this has resulted in the so called ‘stretching of time’ which ironically ‘feels’ like ‘contraction of time’ doesn’t it? What I’ve perceived so far is that time accelerates under two circumstances:
1         1. When you’re extremely busy;  perhaps you’ve been there, doing something that you were so engrossed in that you were shocked to see the hour hand move a fret up, or that you only stroked out about your dinner when your stomach started giving you butterflies. Often this condition is called as flow, the state of ultimate immersion, one that most of the knowledge workers find themselves to be in (like students, professors, academicians, and others). I had experienced this mostly all the times during my 90 days (approx.) long preparation of my boards last winter. Being busy, you might get startled to notice the pace in which the world moves.
   2.  When things get pretty monotonous; yes, now that the entire human species is under quarantine, stuffs must have become repetitive, and more obvious than they were ever before, it’s conclusive that the familiarity about the occurrences might have rather slowed down your biological clock, as a result of which, the actual time feels diminutive. But keep in mind that this second condition might not occur unless you ‘do’ some stuff (like sleeping too maybe), suffuse your time space with any activity to experience this relativistic mechanism more often. Don’t get too indulged (even if it’s your passion!) you might feel you aged too quickly when the simple fact was that you just didn’t give attention to yourself other than your precious work, life’s got other important stuff than work that makes it meaningful and complete (no it’s not a cliché, it’s an observation).

image courtesy: shutterstock
The famous epigram ‘time flies’ actually is genuine because we’re all witnessing that it certainly does, though the fact that your time here is slipping by brings discomfort (which feels saddening and bad, but it’s universal and uncontrollable, however of which is true), you’ll be able to value the time you’ve got left, maybe sharing it with friends or family or doing something ‘nice’ not just for ourselves would be stimulating for yourself and your well-wishers. Yes work is important for stability and abundance however do not confuse it as the eminent strife; time must be devoted to things that do matter even if they aren’t work oriented. We would possibly not have a community if everyone only focused on getting things done would we? It’s flowing at the same pace as it was flowing earlier however the only transfiguration is that you’re probably not involved in your work more often like you used to before the shutdown. It’s highly likely that one fine morning you’ll be spellbound to discover yourself to be a different person (laughs) “Whoa is that really me?!!! Time’s wrecked!!! How in the name of goddamn corona did I age so much, so fast?!!!!”(laughs again), my dear friend it was not  ‘so fast’, it’s just that your biological clock slowed down (laughs some more less volume;) however). Stay busy yet stay conscious of the ebbing time, also don’t forget to squeeze some of it for things ‘other than work’ cause eventually it’s not the work that you’ll be commiserated with nearing your end, it’s your relations.


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