
Today’s randomness, here we are; in the middle of this universal crisis, crying, complaining, questioning (God yes), and perhaps most of us are dumbstruck as to why this would happen all of a sudden, only to the current generation of ‘social’ beings, how a goddamn microorganism would confine our lives to the boundaries of our rooms, and why the medical advancement about which all of us used to boast so much about unable to derive an elixir for this virulent death eater. Maybe ten years from now, the students will be reading about this much like we read about the great plague, without much going in their empty empathetic self, as ‘it doesn’t matter until it happens to us’, so it’s us who know the meaning of this and it’s us who’ll perhaps ring the bells for them, to try to make them feel what we’re feeling right now (wasted effort of course, c’mon you never truly listened to your history teacher did you?). It’s only when you encounter your contemporaries are you able to ‘connect’ with them and share a toast of memory of the dark past you lived through (hopefully ;)) to recount with them again, it’s in this process of conversing with your fellow mates do you realize how lucky you were to have passed through this phase that you’re omniscient about at that moment of future. So maybe, it’s a cold night and you’ve grown old and luckily you do have grandchildren who bug you for stories, and you sit down near the fire side and say, “what you’re going to hear is from the mouth of a ‘real’ survivor, yes, you’ve read it in your history books, but here I am in front of you, alive (quite :P) to share this with you all, so hear me out and hear me well……” , I know you’ll be exaggerating the stuff a bit (I will too :P) but that’s completely fine because I believe after passing through all of this we rightfully do deserve it, it’s obnoxiously justified (however stating you survived a zombie apocalypse is strictly forbidden!). C’mon it’s already been a lot, we’re handling it well enough, don’t let the fear manipulate your actions, stay inside, but have fun, don’t take staying in as an impediment, instead interpret it as the time your soul desperately was in need of to recharge and resuscitate, don’t feel guilty if you’re only watching YouTube (or something else hmmmm no offence bro!) or skidding over your phone with games, take it as a rest your body, and your emotional mental-self require; in short take it as an obligation from the opportunity you got via lockdown, unwind as much as you possibly can now, because when this gets over, I’m freaking sure that you won’t get such scenario again for a really long time. Time has definitely been kind to you and me (and all of us), a circumstance like this is peculiar and you can definitely not expect it to crop up even in your wildest dreams (unless corona’s offspring come back to avenge its bloody mother!), rest without feeling guilty, yet do not forget the accountability your work would demand when ‘this’ is over. Solitude can be healing, and the modern day provides us with little or zero possibilities to immerse in seclusion which is why this period is valuable; the sporadic opportunity must definitely be utilized for looking inward as well, the place where we accord the least amount of our attention (and time). A seemingly easy shot to be with yourself is this; you’re getting wiser when you’re diving into your brain cells. You may know everything (about others and your area of specificity) but what’s the point of that after all when the comprehensibility of oneself is null? Do not let yourself rest mindlessly; practice mindfulness along the periphery of rejuvenation and self-care at least for the remaining of what we have of this period of quarantining, it’s never too late to start something optimistic is it? The time’s best for substantiating cordial relations with your friends, family and yourself (yeah don’t forget about yourself), wish you all the best and a safe period; happy quarantine.

Virginia Woolf

 “How much better is silence; the coffee cup, the table. How much better to sit by myself like the solitary sea-bird that opens its wings on the stake. Let me sit here forever with bare things, this coffee cup, this knife, this fork, things in themselves, myself being myself.”
― Virginia Woolf, The Waves


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