
Hurt as your sidekick

Pain; a habituĂ© hollow of despicable anguish which we don’t want to tumble into. “Life is suffering”, as Jordan Peterson put it and we’re bound to suffer regularly in some aspects of our life at all times, misery never ends. At any given moment there’s a glitch which affects us in ways that bestows proximity to pain. Going through hurt is usual among humans, yet when it’s us who’s hit, it’s the most abrogating experience that we would do anything to disunite our souls from. I’m not an orthopaedist that I’m talking about hurt you get from broken limbs (not saying those things don’t hurt, just isn’t what we’re talking here for now), what I’m shedding light on is emotional and mental hurt, not something that you get by falling (unless you’re falling for someone :D). Physically you are too vulnerable, even the smallest insect can kill you, evolutionarily it’s not supposed to be like that when it comes to our emotional sphere and mental characteristics.       Suffering is a characterist

Non-random thoughts:

  The following are some of the abstractions I've drawn over the last months. Though this is personal but I hope you find something synonymous. Okay let’s begin. Trust is like a plant (or a baby); something that takes a lot of time and effort to materialize. As a matter of fact, it is also something which can be shattered within a fraction of a second by barbarous actions. So always be conscientious about whom you’re providing your trust over. If you’re that kind of person who takes promises really seriously then remember this fact that there are tons of shit heads who take promises like a fairy tale, and you’re bound to get disappointed by them at some point of time. Exchange promises with someone who values them, not someone who treats it like a casual cup of tea you get round the street. If someone wants to be part of your life make sure they agree to your terms; terms that will soothe your mental health and not devastate it beyond restitution. Be it friends or someone you

In Process

  Through this I intend to discourse something that I saw as really predominant currently. Outcomes are tyrannizing the lives of most of the individuals, and comparisons are creating an effect that makes us believe in ourselves a lot less than we’re supposed to actually. I had a notion about this and well, I’m seeing this standardize emotions, or something more of manipulation, cause your life isn’t in your control, you’re providing access to how you feel or even what you decide to someone else; people are more concerned about what others are doing than what their activities are, even if they know what they are headed towards is absolutely right minded. Get immersed in your process, you’re on your path, doing your stuff, and in your pace, don’t judge your journey on the basis what others might say or do; concisely whatever that’s involved with “others” isn’t what “ you ” were up to in the first place. When you start seeking for validation from other people understand that you’re losi

Memory Boulevard

  ONE_FOUR I could hear the songs, I could view the situations, but wasn’t able to apprehend at that period of time. The songs were just a noise, couldn’t understand it was music then, and the circumstances felt like an excuse for the moments to pass. The passage of time was unheeded and all that mattered was ‘now’. It was serene, carefree and life was a second name for leisure; that was how babyhood was for us, it was instantaneous, unplanned and exciting every second, the past didn’t bother and the future wasn’t a burden. All my emotions belonged only to me, it wasn’t judged nor recorded. I felt the way I did, and no one could question that, no one could comprehend what was mine, and the way I looked at things was something curious about unknowingly, but I felt no need to dive deep, no need to understand what’s going on, was just enjoying each minute, staying joyous without any reason, being how I was naturally, free. To be frank, I was unaware of what was coming ahead (yep a serio

Small things?

  What’s your approach to justify all that you are able to achieve and those that you may not be able to handle in a world where you rationalize nearly every single aspect of almost everything that you run across? We get closer to god, closer to our soul and closer to our aspirations but we’re detaching away from the little things that are yet important, those small things which might seem insignificant to our productivity perhaps, but eventually these so called ‘trivial’ things is what makes up our life, doesn’t it? Take your career aside for now, take your conquests into the back seat and all of the materialistic belongings that you or your family might possess out of focus, immerse yourself into the realistic unknown of what’s truly yours, and the only aspect which nobody else can maneuver your control over, that is, the peace within you, the love that you have for your near ones, or the vision that you see for mankind, independent of all the temporal emotions and circumstances (inc

The world of fakers: (The Fountainhead)

What other’s force on us we believe , or maybe we just decide to do so to ‘fit in’, we follow other’s advice going against what we know is the thing that we should actually be doing, we get influenced rather swayed by the sweet furtive words that some person says about a thing or institution or people. Our lives have not been our own; most of us do what others manage to convince us about, what others want to see us doing, irrespective of the actual decisions that you took on your own initially, weighing pros and cons, just a word from someone whom you think has better opinions than you is enough to change the whole course of your life, or your career choice or anything that you had originally set out to do. “No man can live for another” says Howard Roark punching severe blow to altruism that is unconventionally still dictated by people who are actually ‘second handers’. Living your life on someone else’s term is what I see most of us practicing . The man who attempts to live for othe

Removing boredom while studying

  You’re not getting lazier; you just  aren’t transitioning the activities well . The solution lies in knowing how to shift from one task to another in a way that you take advantage of the  energy & stimulation deficits  from the task you were doing before. First of all understand this that to be able to perform any focused work (like studying) your mind must in a  state of low energy stimulation ;  the state when you’re able to concentrate easily as your focus isn’t drifting or continuously fluctuating. Let’s group all those activities such as social media surfing, or watching movies and series, or anything that you may get  addicted  to do  in seconds  as  easy activities ; as they don’t require much (or any) effort to do but also give you exponential  satisfaction  (and pleasure perhaps;) And let’s call those activities like studying, going through notes, doing assignments, and practicing as  focused activities ; as you need to constantly maneuver your thoughts and mental streng


The very scintillating device from which you are viewing this blog can be subjected to surveillance ; in fact it already has been at least once, though you may not have even the slightest hue of clue about it. I understand that you’re busy and possibly have other interesting things to do rather than reading this, but where exactly? Of course from your dear smartphone (most commonly), however let me share a subject of contingent fascination to you; your privacy.   What if I told you that you’re being monitored for every move you make, every app you install, every website you visit, or […you may not like knowing this] every conversation you have over the net? Consider WhatsApp [Part of Facebook] as the most common facility every individual possesses, you might be having esoteric conversations with a person or a group of close ones, and naturally you do not want that data vaporizing out into somewhere you would not want it to, or to be seen by a stranger for purposes you definitely would

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