
GST(2) Its not your first time in this world. Do you know why?

  We all feel that we have got only one and only one life and that we should enjoy it, but is it really true? Actually, we have been in this world for a really long time, and we will continue to do so forever. As I have mentioned earlier that we are all souls and so we can never be destroyed. We will continue to exist even after the destruction of this world. So we just change our bodies and cycle the world over and over again until a cycle of 5000 years is over. So you see we will exist till eternity but the only difference is that some selected souls will get to stay in heaven or to be clear the golden age. In this article I will briefly explain you about different ages.  One cycle of the world is of 5000 years. Each age has 1250 years each, they are:  1. Satyug (Golden age) : Only 9,16,108  selected souls get to go into Satyug . Out of this 108 are the purest or have close relation with Laxmi and Narayan . In Satyug all the selected souls are deities and everyone is


This is the first part for your spiritual education and I will continue to write the subsequent parts in future. And GST stands for God's Soul Transformation . This part will inform you about your soul which is actually the "real" you but you may have ignored it or not known about it. You will find it amazing to know about the real you. Things You Do Not Know About Soul. FIVE ELEMENTS Our body is made up of panchatawa(air, water, earth, fire and space) but we have just rented this body from earth for a certain amount of time, after this time is completed we all need to give it back, so the main question is who rented this body? The answer is "soul", but we are never aware of this fact, are we ? In this present world all of us are body conscious, we struggle for our bodies, we might commit sins for our bodies, we live only for our bodies, we have become more selfish in this world today to be precise. BODILY PLEASURES Only a n

Do You Want Success? Here Is The Key

Success. Everyone wants it but everyone does not know about the main ingredient to success, even though it is visible and known but no one believes in that thing, but why? Is it due to their ignorance? Is it due to their laziness? The truth is that the main ingredient is a very simple thing but it is difficult to follow. My friends, there is no universal hack for success, you cannot get everything the easy way; you need to struggle, work hard and most importantly believe in yourself. But since I have already mentioned that I share with you the key to success so I will mention some simple things that will make you successful even if you do not have the natural skills. 1. DESIRE : If you do not want to succeed then nobody can get you success. You need to have an ardent desire to achieve your goal. It will serve as your fuel or motivation and keep you going. If you want to have something then only you will really give your best to have it. Let me share with you a story that you may have h

Why Is Adult Education So Important ?

Our education does not start directly from our school, but from our home and we should know remember that parents are our first teachers who taught us a lot of important things without which we could not go to school. Only after then comes formal school education, which every parent cannot afford due to some major problems like poverty and economic instability.  These parents are able to give first education to their children as the children get it from their parents at home, but when it comes to formal education, the poor parents cannot do that for their children. And this becomes the major reason behind illiteracy among the children, who grow up to become illiterates/uneducated adults. Thus the number of uneducated adults increase. But we are doing nothing about it, we let things be the way they are, and do not even try to change it. Children are the future of the nation, these children should grow up to become responsible educated adults, and not uneducated dependent adults. Thus we

Is Factual Education Enough ?

In this present world intellectual education is considered everything. Degrees mean more than values and ethics. We do not care about our culture, our traditions and our moral values , today competition has molded us into marks or degrees producing machines . We run after marks all the time , but is the education we get only for scoring marks or for more ? On the basis of my experience and the lessons given by my teachers I feel that in order to become a complete human being we need to have three basic educations  : 1. Intellectual Education, 2. Emotional Education and 3.Spiritual Education.We can understand ourselves as well as the world around us if we receive these three . 1. INTELLECTUAL EDUCATION : Yes, in order to survive in this competitive world we do need factual education which generally includes courses of science, literature, and many others. In order to live a respectable life and also a successful life we do need to be educated intellectually. Without intellectual educat

Why "My brief history" Can Inspire You ?

"It has been a glorious time to be alive and doing research in theoretical physics. I am happy if I have contributed something to the understanding of the universe", stated Stephen Hawking , one of the most brilliant physicist since Einstein. "My Brief History" is a memoir of Stephen Hawking written by himself through which we can know a lot more things that we did not know about him , and even the things we had never heard of. Apart from his scientific books he has given time to write this book , and if you want to know about his life history then this book is the best you can find. The language used by the author is simple(well it may be due to his condition) so we can go on reading the book without any halt. The writer mentions about his childhood. His childhood was as normal as any of us but he has mentioned that his classwork was very untidy , and his "handwriting was the despair of his teachers "( This line gave me some motivation when I had a bad ha

Why Has Women Empowerment Become So Necessary?

Don't you think India would be a developed country by now if it had adopted this idea much earlier? Yes, it would surely be had it not been for gender discrimination which is still prevalent in our country even in the 21st century. There is thus a need for the empowerment of girl child. We can empower girls by providing them equal opportunities in every field they like to pursue, and most importantly we need to change the mindsets of the people of our country, India so as to ensure that girls will not be dominated on any basis.  We find different people who have common mindsets about women and girls. It is due to the narrow thinking of the people, that in some areas of our country cruel practices like child marriage and sati are prevalent. From this I want to draw attention the fact that the mindsets of the people of our has not changed till now. But, how can we change the mindsets of these stubborn people? The solution is simple but it will definitely take some time ; we need to e

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