
To my classmates

Today was the last assembly that we conducted as the batch of class XII Science 2019, though time was at it's own pace but today I feel that it somehow   was biased, maybe it passed quickly for us, it just didn't feel enough, I hadn't even talked to some of my classmates (yes some) , and today it's over, the life that we had been hearing about from our seniors, the life in which each one of us were in our cozy comfort zone suddenly has come to an end. Now the life actually begins, and what is depressing is that our friends will not be there with us to handle the choices or the problems that we'll encounter on the way to our ambitions. Look at the size of his shades *-*   Yes as cliché as it may sound like, memories are the things that we really take along the way, you see when I was in class 10, I didn’t do much and I have no memory except studies (which does not qualify as a memory; they were concepts) so this year I feared of committing the same

Attention Controls You ?

We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded by magnitudes of information and raw data, and it becomes difficult to manage the idea of devoting tangible attention to every single activity, however we are in the habit of devoting our precious focus to things that actually don't matter, things that have no real life implications, things that are genuinely slowing us down and our progress. We live in the so called 21st century where social media usage is at its peak and do govern most of our time and how we use it as well, and we lag around in the important things and fail to accomplish the results that we promise ourselves to achieve. So what exactly is the thing that I'm trying to convey ? Well the simple obvious answer is attention, we do not know where to divert our attention, attention is passed on to useless gossips, or to celebrities, or to the virtual world of social media and gaming more commonly. We are not able to become what we are meant to be and we migh

These Days

It's been the 19th day since I've been ingesting 10mg of fludac; fluoxetine to be precise and I experienced some repercussions only in the 7th day and last Saturday and Sunday, these repercussions were short lived, it didn’t continue for many days on straight thankfully, I got really scared when these did occur last Sunday as well, but apart from these I feel adequately well, battling depression I feel has given me the mental strength and the emotional agility that I'm proud of, though the process of acquiring these were neither desirable nor easy at all, I don’t think that anyone would like to be 10X sad for no reason, and endure that scenario for even a second, yes, it just doesn't make sense, but guess that's what the white coats call depression. It's been 7 months since it first held me but my medication is helping me focus on the important aspects than finding comfort for the extreme darkness that I used to go through during that period. I know that

Eleven Twelve

So lets get to the point. Today I'm gonna mention you the generality of being in class 12(science). Class 12 was something that I always aspired to be in, you know when I was in 6th grade the students of class 12 seemed like the divine ones, the smart ones, ones who would be writing complex notations on papers, they had things written down even in their hands too, I felt like class 12 was the place to be in !!! I was deadly scared of math at that time, I learnt division only when I came in 6th grade, math was not my friend at that period of time and I had decided that if I would get admission to class 11 then I would not take math in any way. Seems funny today but math is my second favorite subject after physics, the transition has been a great one but definitely a good one as well. 12th grade is awesome!!! It's a magical place, yes confusion is frequent here, so it's magical ! . Let me share with you the generality of being in class 12 in my school, you may have h

Blind Pursue

All of us have this tendency to follow great personalities and try to become like them, we even follow their words and quotes blindly, accepting them as gospel truth. However, should we believe in everything they have mentioned to be true ? Should we pursue the world as they have seen it ? Should we have only one way of looking at their statement when the quote is ambiguous ? Well that requires some art of the brain and I would like to throw some light in this intriguing aspect that we take it for granted today. The first thing that I would like to draw attention to is something that 21st century has forgotten about; the thing is that we all are different, you cannot be Einstein no matter how hard you may try, neither can I become someone else even if I imitated their entire lifestyle, but why is that so ?   So following every quote of Einstein will not make me achieve things that he has achieved. Each and every person in this domain has his own way of executing things that he f

The Final Months Of 2018

Bishal Chettri Hello Friends ! Yes, it has been a long time that I haven't posted anything but today somehow I received that urge(and time) to express my valuable emotions(emotions are precious aren't they?). My opinions may not be your necessity in any case, however they may arouse interest as we're all humans after all. So lets begin ! Has it ever happened to you that you lose your interest in things which you previously used to enjoy ? Well, this condition hit me so hard last year that I could not revive myself back to my default state for quite a long time, and by a long time I mean a seriously long time for a student who previously only used his time either for studies or refreshment(after studies). This period in my life used to occur periodically until last November, when this stage gained so much momentum that it was making me extremely lethargic and lazy.  I literally had no enthusiasm whatsoever to study, had lost my competitiveness and was moody most

Summary of A beautiful Mind

Bishal Chettri   Although the movie by the same name has taken all the attention of people but, you should know that about 90% of the movie scenes were based on the book itself. So, if you have about some minutes to spare then I have here the synopsis of the book "A beautiful mind" from my point of view, so that you will get the essence of the book in relatively shorter time. This book is about the life of an extraordinary genius, John Forbes Nash, well written by Sylvia Nasar, his life is so inspiring and touching, and his experiences and his intellect both are absolutely remarkable. So friends, I would not like to bore you with facts but there are some facts which are really important so I have included them anyway along with appreciating the philosophical aspects of  the book which you possibly would find appealing.  These are the things that "A Beautiful Mind" taught me, and I believe that these should help you too. I read that Nash was a b

Understanding Class 11

Well friends, it has now been about 2.5 or 3 months approximately in class 11 Science and I  think that now I am capable of explaining the gap and the change in ideologies in Class 11 of various students (technically they are all my friends). So here it goes... In India a general amount of students want to become a doctor or an engineer ( very general scenario), but I realized the seriousness of this situation only in this year. I felt that I realized this so suddenly that now my friends who used to talk so silly and unreasonable until last year (till grade 10) are now talking about cracking entrance exams and only entrance exams most of the time! :) I know that it is a great change and a change for better but Class 11 really changes people in the most astonishing way possible. There are many who are so sure that their friends will not crack the entrances that they are betting their parent's shops and some are willing to be their servant for their entire life! Well I gues

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